Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christina M. Yen - Great Artist with beautiful dragon artwork. 2014 calendar - I don't know what the hell she was thinking!


I found out about Christina M. Yen early this year January 2013 when I was looking for 2013 calendars. I saw her 2013 dragon artwork calendar and was blown away! Her artwork was simple yet beautiful and just had me in awe. I tried to buy a 2013 calendar but of course they were all sold out. The 2013 dragons were freakin' amazing. I wanted a calendar so badly I emailed her and told her I would pay up to $100 for a print. I just threw that number out but I probably would have paid more, she could have just asked her price because I was so in love with her dragon artwork of 2013.  I would have paid my unborn first child's soul for a 2013 calendar, okay I second or third child's soul but not my first.

2013 calendar artwork:

Now, I am looking for a 2014 calendar and I thought of her great artwork so I went to her site and was totally disappointed. the 2014 dragons aren't simple and beautiful anymore they are hideous and some of them I don't even think are dragons with their 6 arms and legs bullshit, some of them with bird feathers (like wtf!). Don't get me wrong, her artwork is still beautiful but it is like because her 2013 work did so well, that now her head exploded and she has to go all out there to come up with such outrageous drawings to keep people entertained. And, for me that isn't necessary:

2014 calendar artwork:

IF you look at her artwork from 2013, the vibrant colors and way she positioned the dragons to show the planets and outer space to all be in sync is great and gorgeous. Seriously, all she had to do was keep those same dragons and put a 2014 calendar with the same pics and I bet people would have purchased them. I know I would have purchased them.  I guess people complained because they might be considered girlish because she used colors like purple and magenta, I don't know.

Like, I said, she is a great artist, I am not trying to bash her since I am still purchasing her 2014 calendar and the 2013 poster with the GORGEOUS dragons on them so that I at least get a print of them. I just hope she goes back the the simple dragon artwork again.

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