Thursday, April 9, 2009

Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse Series

Okay, I just finished the most current paperback out for the Stackhouse series which the 'True Blood' HBO TV series is based on. I'm too cheap to buy the current hardcover and I don't have the space for a big book

Of course it was a great book and I do believe the series is good..but I guess because it is TV they add plot twists that are not actually in the book. For example, it has been a while since I have read the first book in the series..probably years but I do not remember Tara's mother having any parts in the story or even Lafayette part in the series is bigger than in the book. I do not remember Sam being adopted. However, now that I am thinking about it the books are concetrating on Sookie's point of view. All the additions the HBO special is taking is looking at other character's part of view, so maybe if Harris did have more time to put those view points in her book it wouldn't seem so 'added for TV' fluff.

Reading the paperback 'Dead or Worse' it confirms my doubts aobut the TV series portraying Sam as being adopted. In this paperback, he talks about his mother, father,brother and sister.

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