Monday, April 6, 2009


Okay, I love Charlaine Harris' "Sookie Stackhouse" series of vampire romance books. I think she is a good author. My friend Jaime got me into the TrueBlood HBO series based on the books. I was a little reluctant to get into the HBO series because I love her books so much I thought they would fuck up the storyline.

They did make some changes to the storyline and added plot twists but the cast of the show do look like the books. Except Tara, who is black on the show but I do not remember Harris stating that in the book. However, it has been a while since I read the book series from the beginning so it could be something I missed. Oh and except Erick who looks terrible.

I do not want to state that Eric, (I have to look up the actor's real name) is not a good looking guy. I am sure in RL he is a good looking guy but on the show whoever is doing his makeup is not giving the guy justice!!!

Last night I watched two episode of the show and in both episodes Eric, who is a vampire, makeup looked terrible. It is like the makeup artist just put a streak of white powder on the guy's forehead and named him a vampire. The poor guy! Bill, another character on the show is a vampire and his makeup is fine. He looks pale and the tone is evened out. But, on Eric, it is like the amateur makeup artist had a bad day and decided to take it out on the actor! If you watch the show episodes 8 & 9 you will notice what I am talking about. Eric's forehead looks whiter than any other part of the poor guy's face & body.

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